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  Public Ticket #2740360
setup email


  •  1
    abrahamlincoln started the conversation

    hi my friend

    how can i setup my email? hosting email?


  •  2,539
    Support replied


    You need to setup it in Admin -> Settings -> Email.

  •  1
    abrahamlincoln replied

    yes i know but it doesn t work!

    i have error connexion

  •  1
    abrahamlincoln replied

    it s done!!! 


  • MaximCarzbay replied

    Hello. I have the same problem. Email doesn't  work.

    Connection to tcp://mail.bellabella.style:465 Timed Out

    in env file nothing found about mailing

  •  1
    abrahamlincoln replied

    this is my setup and it works fine for me

    look my attachement

    just put your sender name and sender email

    that s it!!

  •  2,539
    Support replied


    I see that you’re using Sendmail, make sure your sendmail path is correct and it’s enabled on your hosting.